Saturday, February 28, 2009

I love the couch. Love it, Love it, I do!

I love this couch.  It is my favorite couch (the scary cat spends too much time on the other one).
On rainy days like today, Mom & I play fetch in the house.  I chase the ball down the hallway, through the dining room, and across the family room.  After several runs I have to take a break & do some biting practice with the ball.
So I bring it up on the couch for some biting time.  It's great, these raquetball balls are the perfect size & I can really bite on them very hard.  Of course eventually the ball rolls away and I have to get it back.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Why I love Daycare

This is a note from Shadow's mom.
I love daycare for Shadow.  This past week I had a head cold.  All I wanted to do was sleep, cough, and suck on cough drops.  Thankfully, Shadow went to daycare Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.  This meant my adorable, fluffy, and energetic dog got to play and rough-house during the day.  And I got to lounge on the sofa with a calm, content pup at night.
Between daycare, stuffed Kongs, and a fresh beef knuckle to chew on, we all made it through the week without getting tired & frustrated with each other.  I'm much better today & even took Shadow to the dog park to run around like a maniac.
Daycare for dogs is the best invention in the last 50 years.  Yes, it even exceeds the joys of a microwave.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chicken Walks

Today we did something really neat & different.  Usually mom tries to take me for a walk & I hate it.  When I'm about 20 feet from our driveway I want to go home.  She coaxes me along, but I don't like it.  At all.
I've been hoping she would take the hint (I try to drag her home at every opportunity).  I think she may have gotten it.  Today we took a walk in the woods around our house.  
I didn't have to wear a leash.
We had a great walk.  I got to check stuff out and I got a lot of snacks.  I'm not entirely sure what was going on, but every few minutes I heard this loud whistle & then mom called me over to her.  And then I got chicken.  I really love chicken and you never know when she's going to pull that stuff out.  But I think it has something to do with that whistle.  Which is pretty convenient, because if I'm distracted by some smell on the ground it's nice to have a warning that chicken is being served.
Oh, and guess what I'm good at?  I can balance on a fallen tree really well.  I've done it at the dog park & today I got to do it at home.  That is pretty cool, it's not easy for a dog but I'm very, very clever.
Maybe once I show mom that we have more fun walking in the woods then she'll let me do that more and more, and we can skip the walks along the street.  I gotta go, I need a nap now.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

They left me, but they came back!

This weekend I was at the kennel. The whole weekend. They left me there Friday around noon & didn't come to get me until dinner time on Sunday.
It sounds awful, but it wasn't. I had a good time & got to play with some way cool dogs every day. This is me hangin' with my new buddies
Sunday night I had dinner at home & got to sleep on the bed. All night!! And Monday my mom stayed home & we hung out, then went to the dog park to run around. Mom also got some yummy-smelling chicken at the grocery store & let me have a few pieces. But I couldn't eat Buster's pieces, because that's rude. Apparently, no matter how slowly a cat eats their rotisserie chicken they still want to keep it and won't share. Oh well, lesson learned.

Monday, February 2, 2009

This how I look after a day at daycare

I look tired.  Very, very tired.

Feeling better & getting smarter :)

Wow, I feel better. I get to take these pills with peanut butter & cheese for another 12 days (hey Auntie - I didn't know they made bad peanut butter? Mom says we eat the organic stuff & she stirs it a lot).
Sunday we went to the dog park again & had a blast. I met a bunch of dogs there, including one who is a little skittish of new people (like me). But her dad can play "I'm gonna get you" almost as good as MY dad, and we played that game a lot. It was great.
I'm getting better at meeting new people, but I still growl and back up if someone leans over & tries to pat my head. Ooooh - I just don't like that! I duck, growl, back up, and tuck my tail really low to try and tell them to quit it. Usually mom steps in and says I'm nervous with new people, and the person either walks away or crouches down so I can walk up to them. I wish people would quit reaching over my head to pat me, though, I don't like having to growl at them.
Oh! I learned a new trick! When mom waves her hand (like she's waving good bye) I walk backwards. So now I know Sit, Shake, Down, Beg, Circle, Go Crate, and Back Up. I do not want to learn how to play dead, but darn it she makes me practice that one over and over. For now I am playing dumb and hoping she gives up.
Today I'm back at daycare & I was happy to go in. There is a big dog that I'm playing with, he's a Great Pyrenees. And he's just not fast enough to catch me :)
I play with some really cute other dogs, wanna see some pictures?
Here I am going after Ailsa. She is a terrier & we play hard together. She is very, very fast and can turn quickly - just like me. The dog on the bridge is Brittany, she is a foster dog that lives at the daycare place. She's only a baby, and she's going to be big.
This is another picture of me and Brittany and Ailsa. Brittany is very playful, she's a lot of fun.