Friday, May 29, 2009

Some pics from Daycare :)

First, we have 3 dogs who look a lot like me. Ruby is a very pretty white german shepherd. She's about 3-4 times my size. Pearl (wearing the bunny ears, how humiliating) is an American Eskimo Spitz and she's a little smaller than me. She's younger, too, and super cute. And Alaska is another spitz-mix. Mom thinks it's cool that Alaska has brown freckles only on her ears. Alaska is a little bigger than me.
Speaking of those awful bunny ears ...
They made me wear them, too. Here I am hopping out of the bucket :) If you make me LOOK like a rabbit, then I'm going to act like one, too.
Of course, the whole point of going to daycare is to play.
Here I am playing with Gracie, and in the next photo I'm playing with Alaska (she's biting my head).
In these pics I'm modeling the ramp with Aubrey (I like to nap on the ramp when I need a break) and showing the all-important "How to Pin your opponent" technique.
Not much else is new. Mom & I have been working on greeting strangers politely lately. I mean, strange people. I like other dogs, but I'm not sure about most humans. If you ever see me out and about the best thing to do is ignore me. Once I realize you aren't going to try to eat me, I'll wander close enough to sniff you. Just give me time.
Recently we took a walk and I was VERY brave about people playing basketball in the cul-de-sac. I didn't even bark at them, mainly because mom kept me busy with stuff to do (sit, down, circle, shake, sit, down ... ). And she had treats. Well, gotta run, I think there's a toad in the backyard that needs to be menaced.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

It's good to see the big picture in life

Sometimes you need to see the whole thing to understand life.
For instance, in the photo below it looks like I'm about to chase a furry animal.  Like a squirrel, or a chipmunk, or a cat.
But what I'm really after is that magic water-squirting device my dad is holding. 
Here's another example.  In the first shot it looks like I'm snuggled up to a bed I've made from random things, because I have no real dog beds.  Aren't I pitiful?  See how cheap my mom & dad are, that I have to scrounge for things to use as a bed?
But when we look at a larger picture, you see there is a dog bed.  Hmmm.  Maybe mom & dad aren't as cheap as it seems.
And if we take an even larger view, we can see another dog bed in the upper right corner of the image (next to the blue Wii Fit step that mom & dad don't use as often as they should).
So when I think my life is all work and no play - between daycare, farm dog auditions, and cat herding - I have to think about the bigger picture.  And I probably need to go make a new dog bed, I think there's some clean laundry on the bed that I can reach.