Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fun times, Tiring times

Mom didn't come home a few nights this week.  She said something about a business trip.  I missed her, but when she came home I got to go to the dog park.  There were some other dogs there that were just my size - we had fun chasing each other.  This nice lady played with us, too, she threw a ball for us.

While mom was away, I had to play with the cats & with Puff.  But today we played in the yard today, she was moving dirt around and I got to help.  She likes to use a shovel & a wheelbarrow.  I like to use my feet.  Same difference, right?

After all that digging I was very, very tired.  I didn't want to do any exercise, so I took a nap on the treadmill.


  1. Nice Spot to Nap - My treadmill is a laundry hanger.

  2. The treadmill picture is priceless! Several of us really enjoy your updates!
